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May Update: Guatemala, Georgia and El Salvador

Hello friends,

I’ve been meaning to update, but have not found success in uploading pictures unfortunately. I plan to upload them all at once and post a photo blog when I find a good wifi connection.

In the past month I’ve visited hosts and missions teams in to Chichicastenango, San Pablo, Antigua and El Salvador and visited hiome for a week.

The day after I got back from Belize, I met World Race Z Squad in Antigua to help brief them on Central America. About 40 of us crammed in the top floor of the hostel to learn about the culture and safety information for Guatemala. It was fun to meet a lot of them and answer questions about where they would serve for the month.

The next day I left with two of the teams to Chichicastenango (Chichi) to join them in ministry with a new World Race ministry host. 

My time in Chichi is a huge highlight in my time in Central America so far. During my time there, we visited a world-famous market which is within walking distance of the ministry, picked up plastic on the street, attended a church’s board meeting, did a prayer walk for the town, saw the idols that people worship, prayed with the tourism police, and had some great conversations with our host Juan.

Juan has a huge vision to raise up a generation in Guatemala that loves God. He sees everything God provides him with as a tool to build the Kingdom. He lived in the States for several years and speaks English fluently. He has used this as an opportunity to teach about the love of God to students in Chichi by teaching English through biblical stories and principles. Before he moved back to his home town of Chichi, he was living in Antigua and used soccer as a way to reach people. Now that he has his ministry in Chichi, he uses sports as a way to minister to the tourism police. He had the World Race team join the police for their soccer games as well as help teach them all English and do Bible studies. Juan sees ministering to the police as a way to impact even more people because as he disciples them, they may disciple those who they interact with.

After my time in Chichi, I flew to Orlando and took a bus to Atlanta to visit Gainesville for a few days. It was refreshing. 

Next I joined a couple more World Race teams in Antigua and focused on planning out ministry details for the summer and fall. Friday I left with Z Squad to El Salvador to meet with some ministry hosts we are sending teams to this fall. It has been fun returning to El Salvador again after a year!

Thank you for prayers and support!


Prayer Requests:

Health and safety as I travel this week. 

Week-long mission teams coming in back-to-back all summer–that the participants would be able to grow closer to God.

Fundraising– I am only $4,000 away from my yearly goal! If you feel led to partner with my work with Adventures in Missions, you may do so by clicking on the “Donate”button to the left of this page or you can mail a check with my name in the memo line payable to:

Adventures in Missions
P.O. Box 742570
Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

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